I'm kinda glad they lost. The playoffs should feature the top 8 teams in the league. The bulls didn't deserve to be there. It's a fitting end to their maddeningly inconsistent season.

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also when one of the refs was Brothers, well...

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Jimmy’s that guy, Lavine is not..

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Goddamn, you could viscerally feel the loss cementing as soon as Donovan went back to the starting 5. I hate Coby getting pulled on a night Zach is ice cold. The “hot hand doesn’t exist” mentality persists despite all contrary evidence

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Vuc a -23 with 9 boards in 34 minutes

Drummond +8 with 8 boards in 10 minutes

When Bulls were getting rebounds they were killing Miami. Just like Atlanta did.

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Vooch was a total non-factor on offense. Bulls really traded all those picks to get a dude to swing the ball around the perimeter.

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But yeah I guess the outcome is fine given everything and I actually kind of want to watch a Bucks Heat series. Long live Diar.

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Actually don't feel too bad about this ending - precludes AKME from claiming some sort of victory regarding this season. Now let's see what they're made of.

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Uh what are you talking about? The Bulls won one post season game last year. They won TWO this year!

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uh... still only one. But they WERE the first 10th seed to win a game! Literally historical, unprecedented success!

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Wow, I'm delusional. My math is terrible 😂

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It's an emotional moment, sometimes things get screwy in the brain haha

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Felt like two! A double win!

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Yep. Can’t run this back.

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But.. continuity!

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You sound so sure...

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Hopefully increases the chances they make meaningful changes to the roster. No way to suggest this year was an improvement.

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AK will try and none of the reporters at the press conference will challenge him

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Jimmy Butler! He might be crazy, but man the sheer willpower.

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This is the Zach experience. One game he'll be the primary factor in the team winning and the next he'll be the primary factor in them losing.

It just is what it is at this point. He can be a great player, but he can't be THE guy.

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Zach was not good but also nobody could buy a bucket for like 5 straight minutes. This was a team failure through and through.

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Fun game. Shoulda beat the hawks.

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Shoulda traded Vuc

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Shoulda put Drummond back in

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Shoulda kept White in.

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Zach was like, nope, not shooting that

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So, the coach that took out the guy making the most shots in the 4th quarter got an extension? Pffft. Typical AKME/Reinsdorf.

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Yeah, we don't have picks or cap space, but we sure got Billy.

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He wasn't even making those shots when he got the extension lmao

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I meant that AKME/Reinsdorf made too quick of a decision to extend Donovan.

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For sure, super premature (and dumb)

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Huh. Turns out we needed shooting

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Zach sucks

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Why did Billy sub out Coby. He was making his shots. Billy needs to go.

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Billy: "MuH roTatIoNs"

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