Somewhere between yfbb and Ricky O'Donnell is the exact embodiment of the spirit of the modern Bulls fan. Amazing article, never change

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Shut it down, pray for the marbles (that won't drop), watch our pick go to Orlando and wait for the inevitable Vuc departure for absolutely nothing.

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Nah, Vooch will be back on a four year, $80 million contract!

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That would be an absolute disaster. I'd seriously consider cancelling my league pass subscription if that happens. There are few players that can piss me off as much as Vuc.

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I was very negative towards Vooch last season, but I think he's been much better this season. It doesn't help that he isn't being properly utilized.

I'd be okay with bringing him back for a heavy discount if DeMar is traded this summer. Assuming DeMar is back next season though, Vooch better walk this summer.

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he has been better, the stats show it. 3P and 2P FG% are up and his FTr is also up, USG is down so in general it shows he's playing more efficiently. Still rebounding at a steady rate. In a lot of ways the dude was not the problem, even though he really can be maddening. The real thing to me is he needs a different PF next to him than we have on this roster.

I'd be ok with keeping him on the right contract but I don't know what that is. I def would be in favor of shipping derozan to somewhere that seems to give a shit, as much as I like him. he deserves better.

it's like I'm not even sure what I really hope will happen, because it seems like we're just stuck.

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Totally agree. In a perfect world, we ship out DeMar for a decent return and we somehow sign and trade Vooch for something decent too. We probably also trade AC while his value is high.

We'd basically be hard resetting which I can't see Zach being in favor of unless we get some solid young talent in return for those trades.

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yeah, definitely don't see a full blow up like that happening. probably will let vuc walk and run it back purporting to wait for lonzo yet again. again what a waste for demar. just let him go somewhere that has a chance lol.

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Agree that the PF situation makes a difference with Vuc. He offers no rim protection so it has to come from somewhere else.

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exactly. running him out with a bunch of 6'5" guys is useless.

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Vuc is not a guy we should be building around because he makes everything else difficult.

Instead, let's just get a good PF and replace or downsize Vuc into and appropriate role.

A big thing with this team is that they're built ass backwards because in part they're trying to scramble and cover up such badly flawed players like Vuc.

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Also in favor of trading DeMar. There are players on this team that need room to grow offensively and the DeMar iso is not beneficial for that. Maybe to Orlando for some draft picks? They need veterans down there.

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"There are players on this team that need room to grow offensively"

Who? I think anybody who 'needs room' likely isn't that good of an offensive talent to get rid of the team's best player

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The right contract for Vuc is a fig leaf over the MLE. And that's only because we're so screwed as far as having options go. But I'd 100% rather let him walk and replace him with a slew of cheaper guys from the parts bin than lock into him at $20M. That'd be insanity.

He's the worst defensive center in the league who's playing big minutes. And by a substantial margin. And because he's so terrible at the premier defensive position, it warps what you have to do with the rest of the roster around that rotten core.

Like chess and global thermonuclear war, the only way to win is not to play.

If he comes back on the MLE sized deal, then we can platoon him with a couple cheaper, better defending guys we pick up, and he'll be a useful piece. Or at least we won't be quite so hamstrung by him.

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I definitely wasn't advocating for resigning him for 20 mil.

What stats show him that bad defensively? I am asking this honestly because I don't think I've seen anything that makes it out to be quite that bad. not to mention the two top mvp candidates are at his position so it's a bit skewed. But I mean I'm really just curious because I haven't seen stats that reflect that to that extent.

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Apr 6, 2023Liked by your friendly BullsBlogger

I dreaded thinking about the off season. The trade deadline was the time for the Bulls to prep for this off-season and instead they sat on their hands.

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Back in December, I said that this team looked destined for 39 wins and the 10-seed. It’s hilarious that it looks like they might achieve exactly that.

We all know how this will go. They’ll lose the play-in game and AK will give a maddening press-conference where he’ll act like this team achieved something by making the play-in tournament despite Lonzo’s injury. He’ll reference their better record after the Beverley signing and say they’re hopeful they can get back to the playoffs when Lonzo returns.

Being a fan of the Bulls is being a fan of a team that aims for mediocrity and accepts anything above that if they accidentally stumble into it. Our only hope is another accidental stumble into a good team.

Also, good luck with the new blog, yfbb!

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You were spot on. I think the draft PR release for AK also likely has something mentioning how the Bulls achieved close the same record as the Clippers, Raptors and Mavs, who were all touted pre-season as potential title contenders. So, they're actually not doing that bad. There's some Guantanamo-level tortured logic.

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If the Bulls do try to make this point, I hope someone will be there to point out that they also achieved close to the same record as the Thunder.

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The important thing is they are 4 games up on the Orlando Magic.

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While I agree with your prediction on AKs response (if we even get one... Has anyone seen him since the all star break) I'm not sure what else can be said. From AKs perspective, or any front offices perspective, how do you explain away a dissapointing season. I'm more interested in the questions our media asks vs the general statement AK will give.

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He'll talk when the Bulls are eliminated, and then not again until after the draft. It sucks.

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A carry over tradition from the last regime. But I fear it will just be a statement and then exit stage left after kc Johnson asks his scripted questions

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"like he was the one who got punched in the face"


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Haha. Yeah, that guy just bugs me. I wanted to give him another chance, so watched the interview with JJ Redick where he "honestly reflects on what happened in Chicago," and I guess it was . . . alright? It was still mostly him just saying "Everybody was thinking bad things about Bobby Portis. And I was like, man, Bobby Portis ain't like that! So thank you Bucks, because winning cures everything." I did kind of enjoy him shitting on the Bulls' "culture" where, apparently, people were fighting all the time.

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Apr 6, 2023·edited Apr 6, 2023

can't stand him either. sorry not sorry that i won't forgive a dude who assaulted his own teammate (or anyone). and fuck the bulls for backing him up too.

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Just get this season over with, let them lose in the play-in, let AK give his shitty press conference, and re-sign Vooch for like $100 million while doing nothing else. Fuck this franchise.

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Make or miss league

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Feels like the Bulls are absolutely in the worst possible spot to be in. At the edge of the playoffs and on the far end of the lottery, no man's land.

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Absolutely. I wonder if I'd switch spots with any other franchise in the league. Like, which franchise would you not switch places with (FO, roster, draft picks)? Just Washington I guess. Oooof that's depressing

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Bulls are going to win the play in and lose to the Bucks in 5. Front office made no changes to the roster of significance so they will get the same result.

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I really struggle to see this team getting up for two games in a row. If I were a betting man, I'd say they don't make the playoffs.

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Apr 7, 2023·edited Apr 7, 2023Author

can't embed, enjoy my MSPaint skills


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Mission Accomplished, everybody!

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Pretty sure that "10" in 10th seed stands for 10 out of 10 season!

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Our lack of flexibility - remember that favorite word of the past - pretty much mean we are walking in cement boots for at least another year. Hope for next year? There isn't any. We are what we are until this core goes away.

While I'm not advocating a full rebuild here I'm also not going to pretend that it isn't going to eventually happen. Unless this core strikes lightning and wins big we are tethered to mediocrity until we have a chance to either sign big time free agents (never will happen) or have our own picks to hold onto consecutively (won't happen until 2026).

I accept that we'll be swallowing lukewarm leftovers in both roster talent and season outcomes until we have the flexibility those two paths provide. You guys all hit the right notes in that trading any of DeMar or Lavine will only garner mid tier returns. That gets us - exactly where we are now.

I'm resigned to having to wait out a couple seasons of mid tier performance before we either legitimately have a shot at infusing free agent talent or step into a full on rebuild.

It's going to be one or the other. It's inevitable.

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Added - My best guess for this offseason? If the Bulls can find a way to convince Vooch to sign a 3 year extension they will. Timeline follows Lonzo for next 2 years and would allow a 2 year extension next year for DeMar.

If they actually win? Good.

Chances are they won't but the Vooch, DeMar extensions would allow for easy final year of deal tradeability when Lonzo comes off the books. At that point we enter full on rebuild.

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