Nov 8, 2023·edited Nov 8, 2023Liked by your friendly BullsBlogger

Thoughts on the Utah game:

1. When is the league going to fine Utah? I mean, they weren't even pretending to tank. They were basically bringing the ball up the floor and then handing it to the Bulls. I've never seen such carelessness with a basketball in my entire life.

2. Seeing Lauri be good (even if it's on a losing team) still hurts my soul. Unlike Pat, he at least showed some promise as a Bull but was sorely misused. With that being said, I'm not sure this version of Lauri would have ever happened in Chicago, but that's more an indictment of this organization than it is of him.

3. Walker Kessler is quite literally the perfect center for this team. He fills all the holes this team's front court has and AKME could have drafted him!! Too bad he's the definition of a center and AKME are all about positionless basketball. At least Dalen Terry does dumb dances on the sideline...

4. Okay, I do have a positive. No, it's not the shooting. That game was as much of a fluke as the first couple games were. The Bulls were supposed to beat Utah and they did. That's something they struggled with last year, so it was nice to see them come out against a "worse" opponent and not assume they were going to walk all over them. With that being said, I'm rooting for this team to crumble so I still didn't want them to win...

Phoenix predictions

1. Zach scores at least 40 to prove he's better than Booker who isn't even playing. Finishes with at least a -15 +/-.

2. Caruso takes a KD elbow to the face in the first half. Returns in the second half with one of those creepy masks that clearly wasn't molded to his face (although he should definitely have one of those on standby with how he plays). He drains three 3s in the second half, but then dives into the crowd to save a loose ball that was off of Phoenix anyway and ends up fracturing his hip.

3. Vooch gets outplayed by Nurkic and we see his second feud of the season with Billy.

4. DeMar asks KD put in a good word with Phoenix's FO in case the Beal thing doesn't work out.

5. Andre Drummond punches Grayson Allen in the face and a statue of the incident is erected outside of the UC by tomorrow morning.

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I'd love to have Kessler. He'd kill so many birds with one stone:

- bring defense and athleticism to the center position

- allow us to let Vooch walk

- we wouldn't be wasting a roster spot on Dalen Terry

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I'll add a couple more:

- allow this team to play faster in transition (he basically sprints down the floor every possession)

- offensive rebounding

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LaVine isn't better than Beal (at least when Brad is healthy). Circumstances play a huge part in how players develop and perform. The Wizards were the only team run worse than the Bulls during Beal's time in Washington. Beal will be just fine in Phoenix if he's healthy.

Lauri performed great against the Bulls despite having his guards turn the ball over 15 times. Even without competent guard play, he kept his team kinda in the game for a while. That's the sign of a good big.

Lauri's worst season is better than Pat's best season. You're right in saying there's no comparison between the two. Kevin Durant couldn't carry that current Utah team anywhere. Lauri looks like the real deal. Shame the Bulls can't develop talent.

I don't know if Pat will develop into anything, none of us know. I do know he's on one of the worst teams to find out if he has any NBA talent.

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"I don't know if Pat will develop into anything, none of us know. I do know he's on one of the worst teams to find out if he has any NBA talent."

Exactly this. Although I've pretty much given up on Pat, I hope another team offers him a contract next summer that the Bulls don't match, and I hope they're able to develop him into at least a solid 3 and D guy. He seems like a good kid and I legitimately think he loves the game, even if he doesn't have that "dawg" in him, whatever that actually means.

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I've said for two years that he's most likely Jae Crowder. That's not a knock. An 11-year vet who was a key rotation guy on some very good playoff teams. That's a nice career. I hope Pat gets there.

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That seems like a good comp. Although I would argue that should probably be Pat's floor. Pat is a better shooter than Crowder (this year's slump aside), he's taller and more athletic. If he could just find some confidence somewhere, I think he'd basically be as good as Crowder already.

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Circumstances are everything. Here's to hoping Pat finds a good place to play. I doubt it's here.

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It's a nice sentiment, but is "the next Jae Crowder" a guy we HAVE to hang on to, develop, and feed minutes to? Right now we're so bereft of assets that I think we might as well keep him, but I also won't be losing any sleep if he leaves and reaches his potential of being an all right role player.

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I never said to keep him or trade him. Just said that he'll be a nice player for someone.

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Marvin Williams/late career Jeff Green seems the most logical comps to me

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Pat is a sad story. Agree he's a good 'kid.' But he is not explosive off the floor at all, or at least doesn't know how to explode to a FINISH. Gets blocked all the time, by opposing player or the rim lol. As good as his 3pt % has been, he isn't a pure shooter at all, which is demonstrated when his overall number of attempts and guarded attempts go up.

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I do agree for the most part. I think his biggest problem with getting blocked is he just doesn't know how to finish in the lane over/around a defender. He just goes up for a regular layup and doesn't use his body as a shield or as a tool to help create space. That block by Kessler in the video above was a perfect example. Pat's never going to finish over a guy like that without using his body to help clear space and he doesn't know how to do that.

I also agree that he isn't a pure shooter. But 3 and D guys don't really need to be. Put him on a team like the Bucks or Mavs where he'd easily get 6 or 7 threes a game and I'd imagine he still shoots close to 40%. That's more than good enough for a 3 and D guy. Pat can shoot but he can't score. There's a difference.

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it's not that dramatic. He was over-drafted, but will probably have a ten-year career

happens all the time, the draft is tough!

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My regret with Lauri isn't in letting him go, but in bringing him into a team that had no direction in terms of rebuilding, roster construction, coaching, and player development. Paxson, for a guy who's so reluctant to make moves because he wants to see what he has, seems to always make circumstances difficult to make meaningful evaluations.

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Or is it Pullman? I get them mixed up.

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I wonder if Lauri could be had. Jazz need to tank, he'd actually fit well with this Bulls team and his contract is less than $20million per year. Pat plus salary filler plus a pick might actually work. Don't know if Lauri is worth more than that (probably is, and if the Bulls were to throw in more picks they are just boning their future even more). Agree +Kessler - Vuc would be a huge upgrade.

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I don't think featuring Lauri impedes tanking

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Probably right. But not sure he fits their timeline with an upcoming salary bump either.

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A formally beautiful sentence.

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Lauri would be an upgrade for this team, but what's the end goal? I'm not sure he even gets them past the first round. You get out of potentially overpaying Pat, but Lauri's contract is up after next season and he'll certainly command more than Pat will. You're giving up future picks to slightly improve a mediocre team. I just don't see how that's beneficial, but I also suppose that means it's quite possible it's something this FO would do. Actually they wouldn't since trading for Lauri would mean AK is admitting a mistake, which he certainly won't do.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by your friendly BullsBlogger

Watching those clips shows Pat isn't in-game athletic. Sure he can jump high if the lane is totally clear but....

he has no body control, his touch on layups suck. And when he should just go up strong, he does these little weird sub-Siakam spin moves that take him further away from the basket.

He has an oak-solid frame, i've seen dudes bounce off him but he always goes up super hesitant and that lets shot blockers get the extra second to get ready for his attempt.

Nothing he does is instinctual....i can see him processing every single second and that hesistation makes it easy for the defender to get ready for whatever the fuck he is about to throw up

And his handles haven't improved at all....i can tell that he studied under DeMar but his shit is just so robotic and non-intuitive. He has no clue how to think on the fly if he gets cut off. Even the plays that he has scored on this year....you can see the gears turning and if the defender cuts him off, it's a wrap

He can still be a decent 3 and D rotational player somewhere(I could see OKC going for him) but any chance of him being more than the 10/5 guy that he has been aint gonna happen. Even the most inconsistent prospect will have those random 25-30 point games....and i think Pat has had maybe 2 in 3 years and those were at the end of the year when the other team is playing 3rd stringers

He is Marvin Williams Jr and that can be an useful player in the league but he needs to be that somewhere else. I hope they don't double down by offering him anything more than 3/45

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their RFA offer will depend a lot on the context of the team. If they indeed to blow it up (or at least "pivot") at the deadline then they can offer more to Pat bc there's little risk

though every time I think this is possible I remind myself that Vuc has 2/$42M remaining ugghhhh

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He is a piece of unfinished furniture.

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I’m arriving at the conclusion that the #1 goal of Reinsdorf employees is to just convince the Reinsdorf family that things are going fine.

That has to be why this core is still together, right? Because AK just wants Michael to think that no mistakes have been made?

I know AK is bad at his job, but he has eyes and a brain that should at least be capable of grasping the concept that losing more games than you win is not good. He can’t honestly deep down in his soul think this team is capable of making a sizable improvement, right?

I think we might be witnessing a man who just wants to keep his job and knows that the only requirement for keeping that job is never admitting he’s doing a bad job.

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Nov 8, 2023·edited Nov 8, 2023Liked by your friendly BullsBlogger

AK, Krause and Garpax's meetings with the Reinsdorfs are probably akin to Mussolini meeting with the King of Italy and babbling on about "superweapons" and "tactical retreats." In this case, "three potential all stars" and the belief that's it best not to "peak too soon." Just delusional, but it will work, until one day it doesn't and you wind up in a mountain prison watching Otto Skorzeny land in a glider.

What's weird is that even within the confines of the Reinsdorf's cheapness there's room for a GM to shine and show they're good at their job. Even Garpax (yeah I'm going there) were able to do this with the likes of E'twaun Moore and obviously players like Nocioni. Just really cheap players that anyone could have signed but they did. The one advantage a Bulls GM has over their peers is time, like the Heat and Spurs they can spend literally years grooming players because of their job security. But they never do.

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But they're grooming Vooch! That young buck has the potential to be the center of the future. He's already had two all-star appearances in his brief career, he will take it to the next level any day now!

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He's still growing!

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Life comes at you pretty fast.

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>Utah has the 2nd-worst TOV% in the NBA. Bulls took full advantage with a 30-1 victory in points off TOVs. Suns have the 3rd-worst TOV% heading into tonight.

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I added this comment near the end of yesterday's thread, but in terms of Pat vs. Lauri it's probably more relevant to this post:

"The big difference psychologically with Lauri's career arc vs. Pat's is that Lauri made a big, record-setting splash as a rookie, then seemed to regress (well, DID regress in some areas, but also was miscast in various roles). So with Lauri, fans and management ultimately lost patience with his shortcomings after being "teased," so to speak.

Pat, on the other hand, feels like being dealt a Texas hold 'em hand of Ace-King suited (coincidentally the 4th best opening hand...) and everyone keeps raising while we're still waiting for the flop. We know what he's capable of but don't have enough evidence to decide whether to call, raise, or fold. We'd prefer to "check" but our hand is now forced...and meanwhile all of the other players see the sweat on our brow..."

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I dunno, how long can people claim ignorance on PWill? I think we have enough tape to see that he isn't very good. At some point you'd think all this boundless potential will manifest in him being able to grab a fucking rebound, irrespective of the coaching and scheme.

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I agree with this 100%. But teams like the Bulls are so loathe to give up a player that might blossom somewhere else that they lose all rational discernment. In this case, it's not just the Bulls, if you look at some of the crazy dollars thrown at young guys who haven't earned it over the course of their rookie contracts (e.g., Jaden McDaniels, who, while a more useful player than Pat, is getting a crap ton of money based on future potential vs. anything he's done to cement himself as a bona fide star). But usually it is bad/middling/aspiring teams doing this out of desperation.

Maybe a better Hold'em analogy for PWill is that we've seen the flop and the turn, and they didn't help. We're holding a losing hand unless we pull one lucky river card -- we should fold based on the odds but we've thrown so much into the pot that we have an emotional need to keep betting so we can see how things play out.

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Ricky O'Donnell


>I desperately need Vuc to have one of his four good shooting nights per year against the Suns today, Mat Ishbia you are our only hope to take that albatross of a contract. Instant upgrade on Nurkic here for the taking.

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Pat Williams is ass. Him and Lauri situation was completely different.

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Looks like Jordan still lives rent free in the Jazz' heads. I find it hilarious that city defines itself in a victimized matter based on that play, how pathetic

1) this was game 6. It's not like if Jordan misses the shot, the Jazz win the series

2) Jordan strategically starts the shot sequence with 7 seconds left on the clock. The end of the game play had been rehearsed tons of times before, it was no improv. This was so if the shot misses, there's still time to rebound and shoot again or foul. If Jordan misses, the Bulls still could have won

3) that is a "push off" by the absolute weakest possible definitions of push off. Maybe in highschool basketball that's a push off, but in the NBA that's very mild, especially for an end of the game play, especially in the finals, especially by a star player

4) Byron Scott then slips so he can't recover. That's not Jordans fault

5) Jordan still had to make the shot, which he does. One of the most iconic shots in sports history. Just be happy you were in the poster Jazz!

6) the Jazz still went on to be losers afterwards. Malone and Stockton never won anything. That's why they all sit around and cry about this, to this day. Complete loser mentality, blaming the refs


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7) of course, there was still time on the clock! So by all means Jazz, feel free to win the game with 5.2 seconds left after Jordan sinks the shot. But Malone chokes and Michael stole the ball from him down low. Maybe Byron Scott should have stolen the ball from Jordan? We'll never know, cause the Jazz are losers

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It was Bryon Russell but your point still stands. The amount of salt it generates is how you know it was an iconic moment haha

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Boy I had a 50/50 shot of recalling the correct Byron from memory and still got it wrong!

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Counterpoint: It's just some funny thing.

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Oh I understand that it's intended as a sick reference for true Jazz fans. But the name shows nonetheless that Jordan very much lives in their heads to this day

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He destroyed people psychologically (some of them teammates), I can see why he's a villain.

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Gotta go. Bears pre-game show is starting . . .

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